Content Management System

Designed and developed to suit perfectly the customer

Content Management System


The customer is one of the largest online department stores in Central Europe. This CMS system is used by hundreds of customers employees to edit content, especially product descriptions, articles and other website settings. Because of special requirements and large scale of modules, this CMS was built inhouse.



Current version of CMS was made many years ago. Today, it has reached technical limitations and has large gaps in usability. A new development and designer team was therefore established to build a new version of the CMS. My role is to redesign current modules and build new ones based on newly defined requirements and user needs.

Explore and Define

Firstly I collected user and business requirements and validated them with the business owners and developers. I also observed the workflow of editors from the Content and Article Department as the current version.

Ideate and Prototype

I created a prototype of the new version. I proposed some process and other improvements and reorganised some requirements into an adjusted process bringing more value.

Prototype and Test

The new version of the prototype was continuously communicated with developers, business owners and tested by end users. After several iterations we decided to make a design-freeze and move the prototypes into development.


My Outcome

Process models, role based models / use cases, wireframes, visuals, style guide, design library components.


Structure and navigation simplification of product details. Product module mentioned in the left menu, sorting / filtering products on the main panel and structure visible in breadcrumbs. Products have a lot of options to be edited so I proposed a structure change inside the product detail. Each functionality is also based on user role.


Translator view detail - the user has access one language mutation only. On the left side there is an original version, on the right the translated version. Well-rated UX improvements are:

  • Online cursor highlighting CZ and EN inside texts
  • Ability to see how other languages have been translated, including status indicating whether the language has already been translated or not
  • Only one and customised wysiywyg toolbar fixed to the top while scrolling

Articles module - after editing or creating content, the user must validate if it looks properly on all predefined devices / breakpoints. If all alignments are OK, the user needs to manually confirm. In case of problem they need to report a bug. The bug is then automatically assigned to HMTL coders and visible in their backlog.
Note: This preview is dummied due to NDA ( screen), thanks for understanding.

Mobile preview

Mobile preview visualisation. Due to security and process reasons it is not a possible to delete an item.


Because of Non Display Agreements, customer name, structure, texts, processes and content are dummied. Some visual details are also changed. Thanks for understanding.





It was very nice that Tomas was hired to improve our most used application. Tomas was very proactive, empathetic a tried to fulfill all our requirements and needs.

Petra B.

Product Manager

I was very pleased that here was someone who really took care of our needs and tried to helped us in our daily work. I liked his professional and human approach and I was delighted to be one of his user testers.

Barbora P.

Segment Specialist